...->loc_('This is a text.');
...->loc_npx( 'appointment', # context 'This is {dates :num} date.', # singular 'This are {dates :num} dates.', # plural 1, # plural selection dates => 1, # placeholder replacement );
...->loc_m( 'Send email to <strong>[_1]</strong>.', # ^^^^ 'Max Mustermann <mustermann@example.com>', );
With Maketext, you can not give the placeholder attribute ":html".
...->loc_mp( 'appointment', # context 'This are [*,_1,date,dates].', # ^^^ 1, # plural selection and placeholder replacement );
At Maketext plural is limited.
HTML is also translatable. But it's 2nd choice to plain text.
JavaScript is also translated.
...->loc_('... <a href="foo.de" on...="...">...</a> ...');
There is a risk to destroy HTML and JavaScript during translation.
HTML is unlikely broken, because primitive. JavaScript does not break.
The solution here is HTML::Zoom and an empty a tag, because it is configured only during rendering. (Patrick Grämer)
<span class="...">... <a>...</a> ...</span>
->replace_content( \$ctx->loc_('<a>...</a>') ) ->then ->collect({ filter => sub { $_ ->select('a') ->set_attribute('href' => 'foo.de'); }, passthrough => 1, })
<script type="text/javascript"> var language_locales = { "LC_NUMERIC":{ "decimal_point":".", "thousands_sep":",", "grouping":["3","3"] }, "LC_MONETARY":{ "n_sep_by_space":"0", "currency_symbol":"£", "p_sign_posn":"1", "negative_sign":"-", "int_curr_symbol":"GBP ", "frac_digits":"2", "p_sep_by_space":"0", "positive_sign":"", "n_cs_precedes":"1", "p_cs_precedes":"1", "int_frac_digits":"2", "mon_grouping":["3","3"], "n_sign_posn":"1", "mon_thousands_sep":",", "mon_decimal_point":"."} }; var language_tag = "i-default"; $(function() { $.datepicker.setDefaults($.datepicker.regional['en-GB']);
The example says all about the process. When working with MO files, you must still run at the end:
$process->spew(mo => "../2nd_${language}_${domain}_clean.mo");
The example also shows how the placeholders pass the translation tool.